MEM™ Foundation Sessions
Online - It's time to be You and live life freely and fully.
Service Description
Up to three (3) sessions completes the MEM™ Foundation sessions of therapy. Unlike the conventional methods of therapy you know, the Mace Energy Method doesn’t rely on pure narrative from you, minimal discussion, no divulging of details or history require. The MEM™ difference, only asks you fundamental questions to guide the session. The therapy itself is non-confrontational. It focuses on eliminating the cause of the un-choosen feelings, emotions, behaviours, and attitudes you have developed in response to unpleasant and unwanted experiences and events in your life. By targeting the cause of negativities, the Mace Energy Method helps you effectively eliminate them, leading you to be in charge of your life once again. Settle the shocks, traumas and upsets, big or small in your life and dis-create the emotional mountains that consumes your energy, potential and wellbeing. Know you're wholeness, know what healing is, be well, live a full life - with knowingness, clarity and confidence. Know who you are and who you are not and step into emotional self regularity, freedom and well being. I focus on the the emotional overwhelm experienced and what your reaction (resistance to the experience) to the "upset" (shocks, trauma - emotional, body, realisations and relational) and what is unknowingly created within you. We process and eliminate what the upset creates using the Mace Energy Method (MEM™) leaving you feeling a tangible benefical difference and knowing and experiencing a transformation in confidence and leaving you with capacity building rand wellbeing esults. Lasting change starts from the first session and the completion of the Foundation session creates a stablity in your experience of self. With one follow-up session inbuilt as part of the foundation sessions we settle down what may arise there after in the "Clean-up Session". Any type of renewal and restoration needs a little clean-up; in any universe. So let's get intentional about living with awareness and presence, for a full, free and happy life that is joyful and lived with peace and vibrancy. I look forward to walking with and getting to know YOU. I'm here to see YOU live out your hopes and dreams for life, love, relationships and how you move and live out what you choose to contribute to humanity and into the world. MEM™ Foundations are pre-requiste to advanced procedures. There's only one question, "Do You want this for YOU?". Be Well, Be You (and click BOOK for YES)
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact us 24 hours prior to session.
Contact Details
Perth WA, Australia
30 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo WA, Australia