MEM™ Clarity Session
Hear and see the MEM™ difference to sustained wellbeing; Body, Mind, Spirit and Self.
Service Description
Experience Section One - MEM™ Foundations session. Hear, experience and see the MEM™ difference to sustained wellbeing; Body, Mind, Spirit and Self. Be supported to get clear on what You want; albeit what You wish or want to change or wish or want to experience in Your life. Plus come to know and truly experience life changing purpose of the mind. MEM™ (Mace Energy Method) A revolutionary and paradigm shifting approach and methodology to creating lasting beneficial affects to wellbeing of the whole being; Emotional, Physical, Social, Spiritual Professional, Financial, Intellectual and Domain Wellbeing. Experience clarity of self, the boosting or establishment of personal individuation, and the felt personal power and benefits gained from taking personal responsibility. All of which supports the innate or the natural self confident state of every being which is foundational to creating, having and maintaining healthy relationships. And as we know, relationships are the very whoof and wharf of life. MEM™ is a therapy methodology that addresses cause of peoples inner disruptions, not the details or the manifestations (symptom); and is based upon Causism's inclusive and divergent principals and theories. MEM™ Clarity Session Fee | ~ Will be deducted from the full MEM™ Foundations session fee if you consent to proceed. ~ Is non-refundable and is forfeit with non attendance to agreed session times. ~ Is transferable upon agreed change to session date and/or time within 7 days of original booking.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact us 24 hours prior to session.
Contact Details
Warwick, Warwick WA 6023, Australia